
6 Ways to Grow as a Leader this Year

Do you have goals for this year? Of course you do, you’re a leader, right? And as a leader one of your top goals should be growing your leadership capacity. But where do you start?

When I began serving in my church ten years ago, I didn’t know anything about leadership. A couple years in, my pastor introduced me to a book called The Creative Leader by Ed Young Jr., and that’s when everything changed. I discovered that I had a gift for church leadership.

Today, there’s a plethora of church leadership resources available, which means that we no longer have an excuse when it comes to growing ourselves as leaders.

Here are 6 Ways to Grow as a Leader this Year.

  1. Read the Bible

The number one source for growing your leadership is often the one most overlooked. The Bible is an incredible resource to learn about leadership. Just think about it, what other book can you learn from incredible leaders like Moses, Joshua, David, Nehemiah, and Esther? The list could go on and on. Ordinary men and women just like you and me who accomplished incredible things. And if that wasn’t enough, you have Jesus, the greatest leader of all time.

  1. Read a Leadership Book

I’ll be honest. I didn’t read as much as I should have last year, so one of my goals this year is to read more. If you’re looking for great leadership material, I would highly suggest picking up a book from John Maxwell, Patrick Lencioni, or Andy Stanley. Looking for more suggestions? You can find them here and here.

  1. Subscribe to some Blogs

This one would be a great place to start, especially if you’re pastoring in a small town. I would also recommend Carey Nieuwhof, Tony Morgan, and Ron Edmondson. Each of these blogs provides great content and give a great opportunity for discussion in the comments section.

  1. Listen to Leadership Podcasts

Are you starting to notice a theme? The amount of content available to grow your leadership is endless. If you’re a better listener than you are a reader, there are some great podcasts available to you. I would start with Andy Stanley’s and Perry Noble’s, and if you’re pastoring in a small town, definitely check out my friend, Jon Sanders.

  1. Hire a Coach

I wasn’t sure about this one until I decided to hire my own executive pastor coach last year. I’m so glad I did. Being able to talk to someone who’s been in your position about ideas, opportunities, and problems is so valuable. If you’re interested in coaching, and you think I could be of help to you, please send me an email through my contact page. I’d love to discuss the opportunity.

  1. Buy a Leader Lunch or Coffee

Maybe you don’t have the budget to hire a coach, but is there someone in your area you could learn from? Offer to take them out for lunch or coffee and pick their brains. You’ll be surprised by how many people would love to share their wisdom with you if you would just ask.

What other ways can you grow your leadership this year? Let us know by leaving a comment below, and make sure to subscribe to the blog to get tips on church growth, leadership, and more delivered to your inbox each week.

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