Monthly Archives:September 2015

The Journey to Success

I think many leaders today are lost. They have an idea about where they’d like to be, but they’re unsure on how to get there. Instead of taking a chance and venturing into the unknown, many choose to stay where they are. But, what if I told you there’s a secret to discovering places you’ve Continue Reading

You Need A Sidekick

Every Monday I post one of The Basics. The Basics are simple steps every church can take to grow. They are the same steps that led my church from 87 people in attendance to over 700. These steps have helped my church see hundreds of people saved and baptized in just a few short years. Most of Continue Reading

My Epitaph

I came across my epitaph recently. You know, those words that are inscribed on a tombstone. I wrote mine down a few years ago while reading Craig Groeschel’s book Chazown. Sometimes the best way to prepare for our future is to pretend we’re already there. At the end of your life, what do you want Continue Reading