

This November my wife and I began a new small group study based on Andy Stanley’s series Staying in Love. Over the next four weeks we’ll be learning practical lessons that will help strengthen marriages.

We’ve already had a tremendous interest in the group at our church, so I thought it would be a good idea to sum up what we’ve been learning each week and share it with a larger audience. This is part two. You can check out part one here.



What, if any, sacrifices do you make for your spouse? Do you ever surprise them by coming home early from work? How often do you thank them for cooking a good meal? What about giving the kids a bath?

How often do you put your spouse’s needs and interests before your own?

If you’re like me, the answer is not nearly enough. Yet, in the Bible Paul tells us, “In your relationships with one another, have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had”. Philippians 2:3

So, what attitude did Jesus have towards others? One of selflessness, one of humility, and one of serving others.

In every situation, Jesus valued others more than himself, even though in every situation He was the most valuable person in the room.

How often do you value your spouse above yourself? Because according to Paul this is how we should approach our relationships.

We should treat our spouse like they’re the most important person in the room. We are to focus our attention on their interests, even if it holds no interest for us. That means letting them control the remote, going to the movie they want to see, and eating at the restaurant they picked.

That’s easier said than done, and I’m guilty of getting my way far too often because I have a wife who has embraced this concept. She is constantly emptying herself by serving me, our kids, and others.

The danger comes when I’m not pouring myself back into her. If I’m not taking the time to serve her, to put her needs before mine, to take interest in what interest her, she ends up always feeling empty.

This is where marriages fall apart. You have to consistently be pouring into one another. When two people do this, it’s a beautiful thing, and it’s the key to staying in love.

What one thing can you do this week as a genuine expression of your decision to treat your spouse as more important than yourself?

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One thought on “Re-Modeling

  1. Melanna

    Wow! Just tonight at dinner I was telling Mike that love was saving the last french fry for the one you love (which I was trying to do) and I ate it. We just had a good laugh about it. (I did share my shrimp.) This is a great blog and it is exactly how Mike and I live our life. We are conscious of doing for each other and letting each other choose where, what, how or whatever. It really makes for a strong marriage. We truly are each other’s best friend. Keep up the great work.

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