
My Last Day in Kenya

Today is bittersweet, I’m so excited to go home and see my family, but also very sad to be leaving such a beautiful place. I can only hope that God will bring me back here again one day. It was an early morning as we awoke to watch the sunrise over the savannah.


Our goal was to see rhinos and leopards today, and while that search came up empty, we did see some incredible things today. For instance, we saw a group of four lions, two young males and two females, hunt a warthog this morning. While the hunt looked promising it was ruined by some hyenas who spooked the warthogs.


We then ran up on three more older male lions. Pretty amazing seeing this big guy.


After hanging with the lions for a few hours this morning we decided to have breakfast on a hill overlooking the savannah inside the park. Imagine sitting on a hillside eating breakfast while watching cape buffalo chase away lions in the valley below.


We also got really close to some elephants,


some giraffes,


and of course zebras.


I’m currently 32,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean on my way back home, and I can’t wait to see my wife and kids. It’s been a great trip, but there’s no place like home, and I can’t wait to get there. Thanks to all of you who’ve spent the last week keeping up with me.

Hey, if you just stumbled upon this post, I want you to know I’m in Kenya with Compassion International for a week. I wanted to document my experience to share with my family and friends and anyone else who may be interested. I will be back sharing my thoughts on leadership, church growth, and more next week. If you want to follow along with the blog, make sure to subscribe to get email updates delivered to your inbox each week.

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