
Merry Christmas Website Giveaway

Merry Christmas! Thanks so much for being a part of the blog this year. Each one of you are an awesome gift to me, so with some help from my friends at Clover I’d like to give one lucky reader a gift as well.

One lucky reader will receive a free website from Clover Sites. The church I serve has used Clover for years and we’ve been very happy with the product. It’s super easy to use, looks great, and is affordable.

Especially for one of you because they’re waiving the normal $1,000 up front cost. Pretty awesome.

If you’re interested in an amazing new free website, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post with your name, church you serve, and current website address. On January 30th, I will choose a winner.

In the meantime you can demo the beautiful themes on Test everything out to make sure Clover is a fit for you. There are lots of site designs to choose from.

Again, a website from Clover normally costs $1000 up front, plus $25/month for hosting and support. With the link I give the winner, the entire up front cost is waived, so you will just be paying the monthly fee.

What are you waiting for? Leave a comment below and let me bless you this Christmas.

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9 thoughts on “Merry Christmas Website Giveaway

    1. tds0249

      Congratulations Ron, you’ve won our Merry Christmas Website giveaway. Thanks everyone who participated. I wish the best for you and your church in the new year.

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