
How Can Small Town Churches Better Market Themselves?

Marketing, by definition, is the action of promoting and selling products or services. So, when you hear the term church marketing, we’re just talking about the action of promoting your church and ultimately the message of Jesus Christ. In a broader sense, it’s evangelism, and it’s very important to growing your church. So, why aren’t more small town churches marketing themselves? I think it’s because they believe marketing is more complicated than it actually is. It’s actually very simple. You just need to answer these three questions.

  • Who are we trying to reach?

Most small town churches make the mistake of trying to reach everyone, and in turn end up reaching no one. It’s impossible to please everyone, so don’t waste your time. Figure out who your church is uniquely gifted to reach, and focus your efforts on identifying their needs and wants.

  • Why do they decide to visit?

I think when most people come to church they’re either looking for answers or they’re searching for purpose. So, when you’re preparing a sermon, you should ask yourself, “Does this answer a question people are asking?” or “Does this inspire people to live out their purpose?” If your typical sermon isn’t answering one of these two questions, there’s a good chance you’re not connecting with people as well as you could be.

  • How can we make sure they come back?

If your sermon connects, then there’s a good chance guests are going to come back. But, there are several other factors to consider as well. Did they feel welcomed? Did they make a connection with someone? Did someone follow up with them? And if you’re trying to reach young families, did their kids have a good time?

Church marketing isn’t difficult. You just need to take the time to answer the questions above. Then formulate a plan to promote to those you’re trying to reach. This could be through a mailer, through social media, or through personal conversations your congregation is having in their daily lives.

Does your church have a marketing budget? Why or why not? Let us know by leaving a comment below, and if you ever need assistance coming up with a marketing strategy send me an email and I’d love to help.

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