
Don’t Get Too Comfortable

I like comfortable. You probably do too. You don’t have to stress when things are comfortable. You don’t have anxiety when things are comfortable. You don’t lose sleep when things are comfortable. But I don’t think God likes comfortable.

So, does God want us to be uncomfortable? And if so, why?

I know my wife wants me to be uncomfortable.

She wants me to throw out my comfortable shoes that have a hole in them.

She wants me to try new foods that are out of my comfort zone.

And she would love it if I would leave the comfort of my own house more than I currently do.

It’s not that she really wants me to be uncomfortable. She just wants me to change.

Which makes me uncomfortable.

I have the feeling that God wants the same.

He doesn’t necessarily want us to be uncomfortable, but He does want us to change.

Which means I may have to try some new things. And I may have to give up my old ways. And I may have to let go of some of my preferences. And I may have to get to know new people.

And I may have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

And you may have get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

And I may have to embrace change. And you may have to embrace change.

Because God wants to change us.

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2nd Corinthians 5:17

What’s the biggest change you’ve had to make personally in ministry? Why? Let us know by leaving a comment below and take a second to subscribe to the blog to get tips on church growth, leadership, and more delivered to your inbox each week

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