
Are You a Leader or a Manager?

Both are important, both have their place, but one is more important than the other. Leaders focus on developing people, and managers tend to focus on managing tasks. If you’re leading a church, the people are always more important than the tasks.A


We’ve all probably worked in jobs under both good and bad management. Under good management, the training is better and tasks get done a little quicker than under bad management.

The focus is on the training, which is important, but training people isn’t the same as developing them. Leaders know to develop people you have to reach their heart, and that doesn’t happen in a training session.

Here are some other differences between leaders and managers:

  1. Leaders let their vision dictate their present.

         Managers let their present dictate their vision.

  1. Leaders embrace a big picture perspective.

         Managers embrace a snapshot perspective.

  1. Leaders are concerned about the what and why.

         Managers are concerned about the how and when.

  1. Leaders are inspiring and motivating.

         Managers are controlling and directing.

  1. Leaders are excited about change.

         Managers are threatened by change.

  1. Leaders can move quickly on a decision.

         Managers move slowly or not at all.

  1. Leaders aren’t afraid to take risks.

         Managers avoid risk at all costs.

  1. Leaders care more about people.

         Managers care more about systems.

  1. Leaders think outside the box for new ideas.

         Managers stay inside the box with the same ideas.

  1. Leaders are able to identify opportunities.

         Managers only identify obstacles.

Samuel Chand explains it like this, “Managers get the most out of themselves, but leaders get the most out of others.”

Both are important, but if you’re the pastor of a church, you know that one of your main roles is equipping the people within your church to do ministry.

It takes a leader to do that.

Now that you’ve read through the list, are you a leader or a manager? In what ways? Let us know in the comment section, and make sure to subscribe to the blog to get tips on church growth, leadership, and more delivered to your inbox each week.

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