
5 Ways My Wife has Brought Value to My Ministry

I’m a bit embarrassed that it’s taken me this long to write a post like this. The truth is this blog doesn’t exist without my amazing wife, and who knows if I would even be in ministry if it wasn’t for her. She will be the first to admit that she’s not perfect, but she’s been invaluable to me.

In ministry your spouse can either enhance your ministry, or they can completely destroy it.

Here are a few of the ways my wife has brought value to my ministry.

  1. She’s My Biggest Fan – From the very beginning, she’s been supportive of every venture I wanted to undertake. When I took a pay cut to go into ministry, she said we would make it work. When I wanted to start this blog, she said go for it. She’s there to listen when I want to complain, and she’s there to celebrate when things are going well. I can’t begin to explain how much this means to me.
  2. She Loves the Church – She realizes that we’re in this together. She loves to serve in the areas she’s gifted to help the church succeed. She sees ministry as a blessing and not a burden.
  3. She Understands Ministry – Ministry isn’t a 9 to 5 type of job. There are many Wednesdays that I leave the house at 7am and won’t be home till after 8pm because of student services. Add in the hospital visits, funerals, small groups, and trips out of town and it would be easy to become resentful. But, she gets it, ministry is a calling.
  4. She Can Be Trusted – You may not share everything with your spouse, but chances are you’re going to share a lot. You need to know that whatever is said isn’t leaving the room. If you have a spouse that has trouble keeping things to themselves, then you’re in for a world of trouble.
  5. She Can Be Honest – No one is more honest with me than my wife. I run every idea by her, and I strongly consider her opinion. She also has the freedom to let me know when I’m putting the ministry before our family. She keeps me in line, and it makes me a better husband, father, and pastor.

How has your spouse enhanced your ministry? Leave a comment and celebrate the value they bring. Also, while you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to the blog to get tips on church growth, leadership, and more delivered to your inbox each week.

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