
4 Ways to Identify Leaders

How much would ten new volunteers benefit your church this year? The kind of volunteers who show up on time. The kind that jump in and help even when it’s not their day to serve. The kind that do everything you ask them to and more. Now imagine that they also have leadership abilities, so they’re a positive influence on those around them. They have a make it better mindset, and they have great character. Would that not transform your church?

But do these people even exist, and if so, how do you find them?

You might get lucky, and they may come to you. Although, as a general rule I’m a bit leery of people who come to me looking for a leadership position, but occasionally this will work out.

But more often that not, you’re going to need to go looking for them.

So, how do you identify leaders?

Here are four areas I look at.

  1. Potential

I’m learning that potential can be deceiving, but it’s still a good place to start. Anyone who you’re looking at as a leader should show signs of potential. Just don’t forget that potential is something inside someone that has yet to be realized. And as I’ve learned too many times now, it may never be realized. So, I make sure it’s combined with some other P’s.

  1. Passion

There are a lot of people who have great potential, but no passion for ministry. It can be one of the most frustrating parts of church leadership. A potential leader must have a passion for ministry. Otherwise you’re just wasting your time. Still potential and passion alone, aren’t enough.

  1. Patterns

You really start to learn who a person is when you start looking at the patterns in their life. Do they have a habit of being lazy? Are they always showing up late? Do they spend hours playing video games but can’t find the time to read their Bible? You get the idea. Don’t get me wrong people can break patterns. You just don’t want to bet your ministry on it.

  1. Perseverance

This is an added bonus, but I’m really starting to see the value in people who stick. This is people who have been serving in ministry for a long time and continue to sign up year after year. Right now in ministry it seems as though people are much more likely to burn out rather than stick it out. And I don’t want to make light of burnout because I know it’s a real thing, but you shouldn’t be burning out when you’re serving once or twice a month. That’s a copout, not a burnout.

So, if you’re looking for leaders, look for the four P’s: Potential, Passion, Patterns, and Perseverance.

What would you add to this list? Am I asking for too much? Let me know by leaving a comment and make sure to subscribe to the blog to get tips on church growth, leadership, and more delivered to your inbox each week.

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