I was sitting in my pastor’s office one day, and he was explaining to me all the things he had to get accomplished that week when his phone rang. He answered and someone asked him to come speak that week at a community event. Without hesitation he said yes. He was already preparing multiple messages Continue Reading
It’s never a good thing when you have to cut the church budget. Luckily, I haven’t had to do it a lot, but this year was one of those years. Despite the economy improving in my small town, giving still didn’t hit the levels I was hoping for. If you find yourself in the same Continue Reading
Marketing, by definition, is the action of promoting and selling products or services. So, when you hear the term church marketing, we’re just talking about the action of promoting your church and ultimately the message of Jesus Christ. In a broader sense, it’s evangelism, and it’s very important to growing your church. So, why aren’t Continue Reading