
Send a Postcard

This post is a part of the “One Thing” series. Often we feel like we have to take drastic steps in our life or church to see significant change, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes the small things create the biggest impact. In this series, we’ll focus on “One Thing” you can do that will get you and your church moving in the right direction.


I’ve already talked about what makes a great children’s ministry. Today I want to get even more specific, and share with you one thing you can do this week that will make a huge impact on the families that attend your church.

Here’s the great thing, it doesn’t take a lot of time, and it cost even less money.

Want to know what it is?

Send a postcard to a child.

Now many of you are going to stop reading at this time because this seems too basic or too easy. That’s fine the rest of us are going to put this into practice and start seeing more families come back to our church, and more families stay at our church.

Here’s why, once you start showing that you care about kids, parents take notice.

Here’s a postcard my daughter got this week from our church.


It was written by her small group leader, and it referenced her “Need to Know” for that week. Not only does this show we care, it also shows parents what their kids are being taught in class.

My daughters will receive one of these about every other month. We purchase postcards with our ministry logo on them from Vistaprint. Currently, you can get fifty of them for $10. Postcard stamps are 35 cents each.

So, for less than 50 cents you can put a smile on a child’s face, and build trust and equity with parents.

You’d be crazy not to do this. So, what are you waiting for? Get started!

If you have any questions or just have a comment, please let me know. I’d love to serve you better.” Also, make sure to subscribe to the blog and get leadership tips delivered to your inbox each week.

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