
Generosity: It’s About More than Money

When I think about being generous, my mind often goes to money, but what I’ve learned is that generosity is about so much more than finances. Generosity is a mindset that should influence every aspect of our lives.


I met Jesus after twenty years of searching for a Savior in all the wrong places. Like many others I didn’t grow up in church, so I had no Bible knowledge, no Christian friends, and no idea what to do next.

What I did have was a church that was willing to be generous. They were patient with me, loved me despite my past mistakes, and never hesitated to invest in me. They were like Jesus in so many ways.

One of the biggest mistakes I believe churches make is not talking about generosity enough, not just financial generosity, although I believe that is important as well, but becoming generous in every aspect of our lives.

Our generosity is a direct reflection of our relationship with Jesus. With that in mind, here are a few areas I think every Christian should be generous in:

  • Time – I know you’re busy. Aren’t we all? But we should never be too busy to serve someone. That may mean volunteering in the kids’ ministry at your church, serving food at the local homeless shelter, or just taking the time to listen to a friend.
  • Skills – I believe God has given each one of us different gifts, and each gift complements one another. You do the church and yourself a disservice when you don’t use the gifts God has given you.
  • Advice – I’m so thankful for the godly advice I’ve been given along my journey with Christ. I can honestly say, I don’t know how things would’ve turned out without it. If a young Christian asks for your advice, do your best to guide them in the right direction.
  • Encouragement – Perhaps the easiest way to be generous is often the least utilized. That’s unfortunate, because so many people deal with self-doubt and negativity in their lives. You could work to change that just by being an encouragement to those around you.

Generosity has tremendous power to change lives if we would just utilize it. I happen to believe it’s our best weapon to reach a world that is searching for answers.

If you want to see God do something great in your life this year, find ways to be more generous.

In what ways has generosity worked in your life? How can you be more generous this year?

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