
Five Tips to Grow Yourself this Year

I love the beginning of a New Year. I realize it’s just a date on the calendar, but for some reason it brings excitement. There’s this feeling of a fresh start and endless opportunities that emerge in the month of January. Things you’ve been ignoring for months, like that diet or that budget, all of a sudden become important again.

But the excitement of a New Year can quickly wear off, and if we’re not careful our hopes, our dreams, and our goals will be abandoned before we reach the month of February.

It’s happened all too often in my own life. I’ve never exercised for more than five days in a row. I once stopped drinking cokes for over a year, then I started back up again. I have trouble finishing TV series on Netflix. And I’ve never beaten any of the Super Mario games.

I’m great at starting. I’m terrible at finishing.

And yet, everything that’s worthwhile is uphill. There is no reward without work.

So, with that in mind, let’s look at five tips to grow ourselves this year.

  1. Commit. Not just for a week, or a month, if we’re really serious about growing ourselves it needs to be a lifelong commitment. Success in our lives, will depend on our commitment to learning and growth. You can accomplish great things in your life if you’re willing to commit to the work.
  2. Choose. What are your goals? What do you want to get better at? Pick two or three things in your life to work on. Those who are most successful are those who learn to narrow their focus.
  3. Share. Let other people know about your commitment. The more you share it, the less likely you’ll be to quit it. Avoid spending time with those who don’t get excited about what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re not careful their negativity will rub off on you and you’ll give up on your goal.
  4. Invest. The only way you get better is by investing your time, and often your money. Growth does not come without an investment. The one thing that separates those who are average at their job, and those who are awesome, is investment. Do you want to rest, or do you want to be the best? (Quick Disclaimer: I’m not talking about burning yourself out. I’m talking about investing, when everyone else is sleeping.)
  5. Invite. Invite others to go on the journey with you. It’s so much easier to stick to a goal when you know you have friends who are doing the same. That’s why groups like Weight Watchers and Alcoholics Anonymous have such a high success rate. We are more likely to keep our commitments when we’re around others who are doing the same.

I hope 2018 is an incredible year for you and your church. If I can ever serve you in anyway, please don’t hesitate to send me an email or visit my coaching page to see the different options I offer. I’d love to connect with you. In the meantime, make sure to subscribe to the blog to get tips on church growth, leadership, and more delivered to your inbox each week.

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