
Don’t Call It a Comeback


I’ve been here before.

In 2009, I started my first blog. A few months later I found myself in a Board Meeting trying to explain what I meant by my post “New Wine”. The Gospel of Luke Chapter 5:37-39 talks about putting new wine into old wineskins. Needless to say, not everyone was ready for the new wine.

I’ve learned a lot since then. I’ve learned that change is hard, but possible. I’ve learned that ministry can be painful, yet beautiful. I’ve learned that friendships can begin and end in an instant. I’ve learned that there’s a time to speak out, and a time to keep your mouth shut. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to learn that one, and I still make mistakes.

Most importantly I’ve learned that small town doesn’t have to mean small church. In fact I believe small town churches have big opportunities for growth. In fact I know they do. I came on staff at a small town church shortly after that infamous board meeting. In the 6 years since then our attendance has increased by 300 percent. We went from an average attendance of 235 in 2009, to over 700 today, in a small town of 2,200 people. It can be done.

So, throw away your excuses. I know you don’t have the right building, the church board controls you, and your worship team is less than ideal. It can still be done. You can make an impact in your small town.

All it takes is a passion to see people fall in love with Jesus. A passion that will prompt you to take risks, embrace change, and work harder than you’ve ever worked before. You can do it. I’m here to help you along the way. 


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