As people continue to get busier and commitment to the church continues to decrease, it’s become harder and harder to convince people to volunteer at church. This seems to be happening to every church, no matter the size or denomination. It certainly doesn’t help that the average churchgoer only shows up to church about twice Continue Reading
We are in an interesting season at my church. About a year ago, we really began to notice that our weekend attendance wasn’t what it once was. To make matters worse, our giving was in decline as well. These two things really spurred us to do some reevaluating at the beginning of 2019. We started Continue Reading
If you’ve been involved in ministry for very long, you know that people come and go. And not just church members, I’m talking about pastors and staff as well. In the church I serve, we’ve had five youth pastors in the past 10 years. Let me just tell you, that’s not ideal for the church Continue Reading