What’s your strategy for reaching the unchurched in your community? Have you even thought about it? You could read some books on the subject. Subscribe to a few blogs, this one in particular. Listen to the latest church outreach podcast. But, perhaps there’s a better strategy. You just need to start thinking outside the box. Continue Reading
I guess it depends on the question. If the question is, how can we expose more people to Christianity? Then, yes. If the question is, how can we get more people to attend our church? Then, I would say evangelism isn’t the answer. At least, not the complete answer. In fact, for some churches, telling Continue Reading
Recently, I received a message from one of our staff members informing me that a person in our church had decided to start visiting other churches. In a church our size this isn’t uncommon, people come and go all the time. A lot of the times we don’t even notice because the person never got Continue Reading