How Can Small Town Churches Better Market Themselves?

Marketing, by definition, is the action of promoting and selling products or services. So, when you hear the term church marketing, we’re just talking about the action of promoting your church and ultimately the message of Jesus Christ. In a Continue Reading

9 Ways to Make This Easter the Best Ever

Easter is the celebration of the Savior of the world going from death to life. It was the day that changed everything. There’s never been a bigger moment, and your Easter service should reflect how big this moment was. Easter Continue Reading

5 Steps Every Church Needs for a Healthy Pastor Change

Pastors are getting older. In 1992 the median age of a pastor was 44 years old. In 2017, that number had climbed to 54 years old. There are actually now more full time pastors who are over the age of Continue Reading

Seven Things I Lost Because of Church Growth

When I first walked into my church over 12 years ago, there were 87 people in attendance. Today, across two campuses, there are over 700 people on a typical weekend. I’ve seen so many incredible things happen in my church Continue Reading

4 Options When Dealing with a Difficult Volunteer

If you’re leading a church in a small town, you’re mostly leading it through volunteers. Sure, you may have a few staff members that get paid, but the majority of ministry is done by people in your congregation who give Continue Reading

The #1 Reason You’re Not as Successful as You Should Be

I noticed something recently in myself that was keeping me from realizing my potential. And it wasn’t just in me. It was in almost everyone around me. In fact, the people who it wasn’t in, well let’s just say they Continue Reading
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