Easter Planning Series – Marketing & Services

We are less than five weeks away from the most attended Sunday of the year for most churches. Easter Sunday. The one Sunday a year that even the people who don’t take this Christianity thing too seriously are likely to Continue Reading

Easter Planning Series – Prayer & Graphics

It’s hard to believe, but yet once again we’re only a few weeks away from Easter. Six weeks to be exact. And for many of us, this will be the first, hopefully back to as close as we can get Continue Reading

The Power and Purpose of Friendships

The friendships within your church are incredibly important. They in large part keep people connected to the church. The better connected people are, the more often they show up, the more likely they serve, the more likely they give, and Continue Reading

The Best Investment a Pastor can Make this Year

The past two years have been hard to say the least.  I’ve probably started off almost every blog post with a similar statement to the one above, which is probably terrible writing, but it’s true. It’s been so difficult, that Continue Reading

The Delegation Dilemma

Everything I've ever read about leadership talks about the importance of delegation. "If someone else can do something 80% as good as I can, I give it to them." - John Maxwell "When you delegate tasks, you create followers. When Continue Reading

The Secret to Post-Pandemic Success

Everyone has their own definition of what success in ministry is, but I believe by almost any definition 2021 has been a huge success for the church I get to serve. Our weekend attendance is pushing 2019 numbers and beyond. Continue Reading
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